Wives do things!
Title: Wives do things! Year: 2001 Publisher: The Chicago Tribune Author: Nara Schoenberg Issue: June 13, 2001 Description: She’s the spouse of a university president, but Leigh Buchanan Bienen is also a lawyer, professor and prize-winning short story writer.
Leigh Bienen: a career from fiction writing to capital punishment
Title: Leigh Bienen: a career from fiction writing to capital punishment Year: 2016 Interviewer: Joe Popely Publisher: Northwestern Now Issue: November 13, 2016 Description: Podcast with the author, researcher and reformer who opens up about her winding, impactful career Podcast link
The Center of International Studies
Title: The Center of International Studies Year: 1970 Author: Leigh Buchanan Bienen Publisher: Princeton Alumni Weekly Issue: March 10, 1970, pp. 10-12 Description: An informal history of the Princeton University Center of International Studies. ALMOST twenty years have gone by since the Yale Institute of International Studies moved to Princeton and became the Center of […]