Leigh Buchanan Bienen: Works

Rape Reform Legislation in the United States: A Look at Some Practical Effects

Title: Rape Reform Legislation in the United States: A Look at Some Practical Effects Year: 1983 Author: Leigh Bienen Publisher: Victimology Issue: Volume 8, Issue: 1-2, pp. 139-151 Description: The author, who was actively involved in drafting rape reform legislation in New Jersey, comments upon the purpose and effect of the passage of seemingly radical […]

Rape III National Developments in Rape Reform Legislation

Title: Rape III National Developments in Rape Reform Legislation Year: 1980 Author: Leigh Bienen Publisher: Women’s Rights Law Reporter Issue: Volume 6, No. 3, pp. 170-213 Description: This Article analyzes legislative changes in the area of rape reform since 1976. Sections II and III outline national trends and discuss reform objectives. Sections IV through VII […]

Defining Incest

Title: Defining Incest Year: 1998  Author: Leigh B. Bienen Publisher: Northwestern University Law Review Issue: Volume 92, No. 4, pp. 1501-1640 Description: This article examines the statutory formulations and interpretations of incest in American jurisdictions against the backdrop of the author’s experiences as an advocate and reporter on rape reform legislation in the late 1970s […]

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